Health Care Reality Check

We stomp off and take our toys home now, we own this defeat.

There are still good guys and bad guys in the health care battle (and I’m just talking about the Ds here – the Rs no longer matter – they are a given), and this is no time to back off. We always knew we would lose this round.

Nothing has changed – unless we let it. Here’s Harkin stating unequivocally that there will be a public option. Sure he’s just one guy, and its not like he’s magic – but he’s got the right attitude.

Let’s back him up, not leave him hanging out to dry.

8 thoughts on “Health Care Reality Check

  1. Yes, he does and I wish that it were not just fantasy.  But it is incredible that with a majority all along the board, the debate has frittered down to nothing but “co-operatives.”  

  2. How different the path might be if Obama was making the case in that clip and not Harken?  Harken has a great attitude but given the path Obama has let this debate take I am less than optimistic. The tons of lobby money lined up ensure whatever legislation results it will be soft financial landing for the health care industry.

  3. It is about insuring the continued windfall profits of the health insurance companies who provide lavish cash flow into the coffers of our representatives.  They do not want to lose that flow so they are preserving this treasure to the best of their abilities.  I wish, but I doubt, that Obama would take a larger hand in cleaning up this fiasco than he so far has.  I have little hope that any kind of reform other than preserving the status quo under a new name will emerge from DC or in Montpelier, for that matter.  

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