Lies my newspaper told me and the ongoing Honduran coup …

(thanks to Common Dreams and FAIR for helpful pointers)

In late June of ’09 the AP was saying this about the political struggle in Honduras:

Sunday’s referendum has no legal effect: it merely asks people if they want to have a later vote on whether to convoke an assembly to rewrite the constitution.

(Honduras heads toward crisis over referendum, Guardian (Brit), 06/26/09)

It didn’t take long, as the Common Dreams post above states, for that refrain to change to one of Zelaya actually trying to change the constitution and install himself as president forever.

But the lies my newspaper don’t stop there ….

In a USA Today article titled Honduran soldiers ring deposed leader’s refuge, the AP further misleads by mindlessly repeating the words of the coup installed self proclaimed Honduran president: “”Coups do not allow freedom of assembly,” [coup benefactee Micheletti] wrote in a column published Tuesday in The Washington Post. “They do not guarantee freedom of the press, much less a respect for human rights. In Honduras, these freedoms remain intact and vibrant.”

Fact checking that claim would have been as easy as … oh … maybe checking out this news piece from “The Real News”:

It’s time my newspapers stop lying to me.