GOP finally comes up with strategy that’s good for the country

It's taken a very long time, between all the obstructionism, outright lies and manufactured outrage, but miracles evidently do happen. The Senate Republicans have finally found a tactic and a strategy that will actually benefit the American people, if you can believe it. What could it be? A sudden bout of conscience or something? Are you kidding?

The new strategy? Quit. Yep, as in the “take my toys and go home” way:

Republicans on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence said Friday that they will no longer participate in an investigation into the Bush administration's interrogation policies, arguing that Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.'s decision to reexamine allegations of detainee abuse by the CIA would hobble any inquiry.

They're not too thrilled that Holder didn't stick with Obama's “make-nice-move-along-nothing-to-see-here” capitulation in regards to the CIA abuses perpetrated under Bush, so they're not participating:

“Had Mr. Holder honored the pledge made by the President to look forward, not backwards, we would still be active participants in the Committee's review,” the ranking Republican on the intelligence panel, Sen. Christopher S. Bond of Missouri, said in a statement.

Ok, so after whipping up the Teabagging mouthbreathers into a perpetual pants-pooping frenzy about Obama's fascist/socialist/communist/antidisestablishmentarianist (insert your own “ist” here – they won't have a clue, regardless) lies, all of a sudden they took him at his word that he was gonna brush the Bush stuff under the Oval Office rug. Convenient.Yet they don't believe him when they say there's no “death panels”. Go figure.

Of course, Diane Fienstein (D- Milquetoast) is all upset that now it can't be “bipartisan” – you know, you have to have some element of reality-detached craziness in there for it to be taken seriously by the Amuurrican people, but overall, I hope that this will be a new-found winning strategy the GOP is taking on… getting the hell out of the way. Think of the things we could finally accomplish.

There's still those Blue Dog Dems to deal with, the real impediment to progress nowadays, but at least we wouldn't have to hear McConnell or Boehner whinin' and lyin' anymore.

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