DebTV and a Racine hire [UPDATE]

Markowitz has a campaign video up. I can’t watch it, unfortunately – I can’t even see the player – because I’m on a public wifi signal that blocks YouTube. So you all will have to tell me what you think (I’ve cut and pasted the embed code from Markowitz’s campaign site… hope it works).


[UPDATE by Caoimhin]

Here is the video that DebForVermont released on YouTube on Thursday.  Unlike the last video (Coldplay), this one uses a Beatles instrumental to far better effect. Even if I were a Coldplay fan, and I’m not, I’d still think the Beatles are way cooler than Coldplay.

I moved the ka-ching (cash register) video below the break. That video was released last summer in response to the press reports concerning the candidates’ fund raising. The release date of last summer’s video explains the references to Jim Douglas that are now stale.



Markowitz releases this vid the same time Racine announces a new tech hire: Brendan Bush of Burlington’s Original Gravity Media, who will be handling webstuff. Bush is a veteran of efforts from the Kerry Presidential campaign to United Food and Commercial Workers’ national anti-WalMart campaigns.

This is the video from the original post and which DebForVermont released last summer.


8 thoughts on “DebTV and a Racine hire [UPDATE]

  1. 1.  I like the campaign logo aesthetically, but a thin, lowercase font isn’t the most commanding.  One of the weakest aspects about the Symington campaign in my mind was the cartoonish image.

    2.  Nothing about policy.

    3.  Coldplay is copyright material…

    Still waiting for any sort of suggestion of policy.  Hard to make any decision about a candidate when you really have no idea where they stand, and the few things that have been spreading around, aren’t exactly the most comforting.

  2. I’m not sure who the target audience is.  It’s a whole lot of talk about money without a solid message reflecting vision and values.  With Douglas off the stump, the message doesn’t have to be all about “I’m the only one with a big enough war chest to defeat him.”

  3. Did the campaign buy the rights to the Coldplay song that accompanies this BJ video? If not…see you in court.

  4. Even though he-who-shall-not-be-named had the story first, it’s worth noting that the shortest of the candidates has already had to shake up her campaign staff. Departing: Jason Powell & Reid DeWolfe. No reasons given. Can only help, IMNSHO, as neither one was burdened with an excess of competence or energy.


    Money can’t buy you friends, but you can get a better class of enemy. ~ Spike Milligan

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