Because these lies shouldn’t be left to grow …

Welch voted a big “fuck you” at the low and moderate income advocacy group ACORN by voting (along with many, many other DC Dems) to go along with the vicious attacks on ACORN and to appease his “good freinds” from the radical, dishonest and racist political right. Leahy and Sanders merely purred their invectives with weasel words in twin Burlington Free Press opeds. Neither partner in the P & B show could find it within themselves to say “These vicious smears against a group of hard working, honest Americans are nothing but lies and slander.”

Obviously the vast majority of Americans are being pissed on by the DC Dems … yet one more time.

But we need to keep in mind what the reality is … because reality might just make the difference someday … so …

Here’s a great little study done by a professor of journalism and professor of politics titled Manipulating the Public Agenda: Why ACORN Was in the News, and What the News Got Wrong

This study, which received no outside funding from any organization, analyzed the complete 2007-2008 coverage of ACORN by 15 major news media organizations, and the narrative frames of their 647 stories during that period. The news media analyzed include the four the highest circulation national newspapers-USA Today, New York Times, Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal-and an analysis of the transcripts of reports from leading broadcast news organizations: ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC, National Public Radio (NPR), and NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (PBS). We also analyzed stories from three local newspapers representing cities in which ACORN has a long-time presence: the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Here’s a bit from the Bradblog that presents us with a great journalistic piece from Rachel Maddow.

Don’t think ACORN matters in Vermont? You’re wrong; these attacks against ACORN are the same attacks being carried out against any real health care insurance reforms. These smears against ACORN are intended to help keep the necks of the vast majority of Americans firmly under the jack booted heels of the rich and well connected.

So let’s not follow in the footsteps of Welch, Leahy and Sanders. Don’t let the lies grow.