“And we are very transparent”

Wonderfully timed in the same week Douglas completes his plan to lay off 300 state workers the commissioner of the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation has a “My Turn” piece in the Free Press .Commissioner Gibbs’ noted earlier triumph had been to put up a Facebook page for the Dept.. Now he shamelessly borrows language reminiscent of the New Deal and recalls the CCC .One can only marvel at the moxie of these small government fellows.

At Gov. Jim Douglas’ direction, the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation is doing everything it can to generate economic activity and create jobs. We’re pleased to report that your investment of tax dollars is achieving important results and producing meaningful returns.

Earlier  the Governor  took a stand against placing  inexpensive (signs can cost as little as $300.00) ARRA  signs notifying state run Federal stimulus funded highway projects .He was reportedly angered when a photograph of him at an event was published with one of the orange signs in the image.  

Jason Gibbs is not orange but is much more costly  and basically serves the same purpose as the scorned ARRA stimulus road signs.

The Governor’s personal human signage continues ………..

Our projects meet the strictest definition of “shovel ready” and are moving forward swiftly. We’ve targeted long-term, infrastructure projects that create good trade jobs — carpentry, plumbing, masonry, electric, excavating, roofing and others — critical to immediate and sustained economic growth. And we are transparent. It is important that taxpayers and policymakers see the immediate economic and lasting environmental values of investing in these natural resources.
