This is not just about ACORN.

I think something has to be said here regarding the ACORN vote.  Our Vermont Senators are going to take a thumping on this, come re-election time.  We need to come out strongly in support of their vote, and absolutely on-message.

The vote was not a referendum on the legitimacy of ACORN’S agenda.  It was to determine whether the conventional non-partisan review process that is applied to all applicants for federal funding could be selectively overridden in a political way.  We should be asking why the remaining Senators did not have the wisdom (or integrity?) of our two Vermont representatives in recognizing the threat such action would represent to the First Amendment rights and best interests of the American people.

It is no surprise that the target of this organized attempt at financial censure is an entity that represents the interests of the poorest and least powerful members of society.  It is perhaps beside the point that the allegations of wrong-doing by ACORN workers are largely unproven; and even if fully supported by evidence, are extremely few considering the size and scope of ACORN’s workforce and the importance of their efforts on behalf of the poor and disenfranchised.

Instead of pointing the finger at Bernie Sanders and Patrick Leahy and asking why they voted their conscience when faced with a politically inhospitable situation, we should be celebrating their courage and commitment to the value of independence that Vermont has long cherished.

About Sue Prent

Artist/Writer/Activist living in St. Albans, Vermont with my husband since 1983. I was born in Chicago; moved to Montreal in 1969; lived there and in Berlin, W. Germany until we finally settled in St. Albans.

12 thoughts on “This is not just about ACORN.

  1. Yes, Sanders and Leahy deserve credit for their ACORN votes. But, to be fair, Welch deserves a boatload of scorn for his vote in favor of the ACORN de-funding amendment in the House. Haven’t seen that yet here at GMD….

  2. as long as they continue to support the DC Democratic “leadership” the B&P show are part of the problem too. Smugly voting against defunding ACORN while swearing fealty to those who’ll win the day in attacking one of the most potent low income protectors in our nation doesn’t cut it.

    ACORN has done a great job in living up to its responsibility: where there have been problems ACORN has acted proactively to solve those problems.

    ACORN should be receiving accolades.

  3. State Rep. Ed Setzler (R-Acworth) said guilty pleas and convictions of ACORN members on various charges in other states showed that local ACORN workers couldn’t be trusted.

    ([Georgia] Gov. Perdue to state: Don’t do business with ACORN,

    The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 09/17/09

    So tell me, then, Mr. Setzler … what should we do about all these Republican politicians CONVICTED OR CHARGED WITH SEXUALLY ASSAULTING CHILDREN????

    Maybe we can defund the Republican Party too? Oh .. that’s right … the DC Democratic “leadership” really doesn’t disagree with the whack job right wing attacks on poor people and the organizations that assist the poor.

  4. Indeed, Rama. But why not go a step further by voting to de-fund BOTH parties if the ACORN example is to be followed. They both, after all, have deviants and the like lurking within their “employees.”

    There’s no end to the madness. But we shouldn’t stop until Welch is forced to answer for his racist vote.

  5. let’s defund blackwater.

    (at this stage of the game, it’s either up to ACORN to appeal to the supreme court; or a litany of other defunding votes. let the games begin. hope welch is up for it.)

  6. The gop has  been after acorn for a long time because of who they are.  And for some reason, the demos in the house and senate, are scared of these people.  Acorn is the sacrifical lamb, the poor and the helpless the least able to defend themselves.  That’s why they launched their war against the poor and the middle class?  How many GOPers have gone to jail  

  7. “Otherwise, we’d have all kinds of ‘lowlifes’ running for office–and moving in next door.”

    Lol.  The GOP cannot have these folks leving the ghettos to live in the nice what neighborhoods.  

    “Vote suppression is an important campaign tactic for the Republican party, because they do better in low-turnout elections. This is a highly calculated move.”

    Yep, they’ve been after acorn for a long time.  They got Bush in this way.  But, sadly, acorn played right into their trap, and it looks like it will most likely be abolished.  

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