Racine hires Shollenberger

From the Racine campaign:

MONTPELIER, VT-Sen. Doug Racine announced today that he has hired a Field Director for his gubernatorial campaign. Amy Shollenberger, 38, of Montpelier will head up this effort.

[…] Shollenberger has more than ten years of grassroots organizing, policy, and political issue campaign experience, including work as a press secretary and legislative assistant for a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and as a senior policy analyst for Public Citizen’s Critical Mass Energy and Environment Program. In Vermont, she worked for the Lamoille Valley Tobacco Task Force and the Chittenden County Domestic Violence Task Force, and she served as Rural Vermont’s director, where she developed campaigns to increase farmers’ ability to sell products directly to consumers.

“I am excited to be working for Doug,” Shollenberger noted, “He is very strong on issues that I care about, and he is committed to making government work for the people of Vermont to improve opportunities for Vermont families…

Shollenberger is the third hiring for the Racine for Governor Campaign.  Shollenberger joins Sam Winship of Rutland and Mark Larson of Burlington.

This is a major hire. Shollenberger has one of the best reputations in the state for organizing. More than that, though, she is held in high regard by the Ag crowd, many enviros, and members of the Progressive Party. She also has regional clout in more rural areas, such as the Northeast Kingdom, where Racine is weaker.

Smart, smart, smart.

One thought on “Racine hires Shollenberger

  1. or something about the lack of comments on this item.  I looked at it this morning and couldn’t think of anything to say that was not a screech or screeeeeem..  and now at 2PM… still no one has found anything to say???

    Probably the best candidate running for the job based upon history and experience, well actually not probably-actually!!!!  

    Hope to see a big splash of campaign activity now that a team is assembled…  The air is open for candidate exposure for sure.

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