Is the Governor’s Race Becoming a Drag?

Via the House of LeMay:

With the announcement of Governor Jim Douglas's decision not to run for re-election next year, the political eyes of Vermont are averted to the state's Northeast Queendom and the political future of Beaver Pond mayor, Bibs Fisk.

What is spurring this anticipated step-up for Fisk is her recent change in appearance (left).  It appears she's been influenced by another woman who was once a small town mayor, elected her state's governor, and has since gone on to national recognition. 

When asked his opinion on the possibility of Fisk replacing his boss, administration secretary Neil Lunderville… said, “Gov. Douglas has not told me my opinion yet.” 

[…] The League of Drag Queen Voters has not issued a statement of support for any candidate.

Unclear which Party's ballot Fisk would appear on. Hopefully all of them.