“The” Douglas Press Conference (Updated in above diary)

Nah, we don’t know nuthin. Republicans rarely leak us any good gossip. Yes, upon announcement of a big hush-hush mystery press conference from our Chief Executive planned for this morning, the speculation that cropped up immediately was that Douglas was leaving his job for some sort of post in the Obama Administration, but that notion was apparently dismissed quickly.

Is he just announcing his re-election bid for Governor? Mmmmnnnyeah, could be wabbit, but for Republican gossip, its not a bad idea to check in with Republicans. Here’s what the Republican website (oh…sorry…“non-partisan”Wa-hahahaha!… thats a good one…. gets me every time…) Vermont Tiger has to say:

Will Governor Douglas be leaving Montpelier for Washington D.C.?

Short answer: No.

Still … the news will be big and its political reverberations, lasting.

But that is as far out on this limb as we are willing to go.

So, do they know what’s up? That’s certainly the message they’re trying to send. So let’s take them at their… implication, at any rate. “Big” news? “Reverberations?” And on the matter of going to DC, no is only the “short answer?”

Seems like the message being sent by the Republican Tiger is that Mr. Douglas may be running for US House or Senate.

But maybe they don’t know what they’re talking about and Douglas is going to announce something completely different. My theory after the flip…

4 thoughts on ““The” Douglas Press Conference (Updated in above diary)

  1. Some Health Care-related shift of position speaking on behalf of the National Governors Association.

    But I’m not awake enough or travel-recovered enough to get excited about anything Governor Doesless may hint at doing.


    We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. – MLK, Jr.

  2. A normally reliable source told me that it involved Pete the Moose ,death panels,Sarah Palin and small hunting camp in the North East Kingdom .

    Lt.Gov.Dubie has been notified and is in flight and on call somewhere over Florida.  

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