Shorter Pete Hamill

Addressing the Eastern Regional Conference of the Council of State Government’s luncheon today, the shorter Pete Hamill is “you bloggers get off my lawn!”

Was this person ever relevant? He worked at the Village Voice at some point, so I thought he might have some credibility.  Instead, the audience was given a speech that was billed as addressing the viability of local political reporting with a rant against evil bloggers.  Sadly, the blogger villians were so stupid that they railed against apartheid, or some such. When asked how it was that so many bloggers sniffed out the bogus intelligence fed from the Whitehouse in the lead up to the Iraq invasion while mainstream media outlets quoted their anonymous sources to back up the same misinformation, Mr. Hamill could only say that a stopped clock is right twice a day.  So I guess as long as the establishment media is right in at least 3 out of 24 stories, they should be considered the better medium.