From the nutters: “Leahy to soldiers: No funding unless you protect the homosexuals”

(h/t to Balloon Juice)

It is with great interest as well as concern that I watch the ever increasing massive head-explosion of the right-wing. Our real problem at this point politically is the portion of Democrats that still give the right-wing political clout, but nevertheless, it's important to keep an eye on the fringiest of the fringe. Hell, even the “birther” nonsense has gone mainstream, with Cranky-ass White Guy Lou Dobbs on CNN giving it credence.

Those of you who follow these things with interest are probably well aware that one of the ways the right-wing was able to hold power for so long was by convincing social conservatives to vote against their interest. You know the drill by now; vote to end abortion, get a capital gains tax cut. And so on.

But the latest, from a the right-wing nutter site, Human Events, must be seen as an example of not only right-wing gay hate, but a not-so-subtle synergystic word spew of defending defense industry pork under the guise of homophobia.

So who knew that fighter jets could stop the nefarious homosexual agenda? Below the jump for the madness…

You can read the entire Human Events email here. It's about a “special message from one of their advertisers”, an organization known as the “Pray in Jesus' Name Project“, which seems to be one of those groups intent on turning the U.S. military into an Army of God. A visit to their site has them making hay about the “Pentagon burning soldiers' Bibles”, giving one the perception that the Pentagon was forcibly burning soldiers' own personal Bibles. But of course, the truth of the matter, expanded on here, is that the said Bibles were in native Afghani languages, and were being used to prosteletyze, a big no-no.

So the latest pile from this group is targeting Sen. Leahy, for attaching hate crimes legislation to a defense bill, the one that will kill the unnecessary defense pork known as the F-22 fighter jet. Apparently, the nutter group fears the hate crime legislation, as they say it might somehow keep them from broadcasting their vile homophobia from the pulpit. They call the hate crimes legislation the “Pedophile Protection Act”. So, make sense of this:

Let's tell them to strip all homosexual rights from the Defense Authorization Act, please fund F-22's, or at least keep the Brownback Amendment which protects pastors reedom of religious speech.

Wow, that's a rather diverse agenda, no? There's even a picture of the Senator talking to a soldier, with the caption, “Leahy to soldiers: No funding unless you protect the homosexuals”. Somehow I suspect if I tried to confirm that he said that, I'd probably at most get a laugh out of it. 

I wasn't able to track down if defense contractors have ties to this organization, but as far as I can gather, it seems to be pretty popular for fundie servicemen who more than likely do view our Middle Eastern misadventures as a modern-day crusade. Sure, it's fringy-as-all-hell, but disturbing, nevertheless, as right-wing fanaticism and the military do not usually make for a good mix when put together, especially if we're actually trying to undo the damage done by Bush and his God-brigade. I take little comfort in knowing what Jesus' warplane of choice is, either. Perhaps they're hoping to use it to bomb San Francisco and Provincetown in an upcoming secret bombing capaign. Good to know the cat's outa the bag now.

4 thoughts on “From the nutters: “Leahy to soldiers: No funding unless you protect the homosexuals”

  1. It looks like Pray in Jesus’ Name Project is less a group than it is a personality disorder. Google the name of PIJNP’s courts-martialed “leader,” Gordon James Klingenschmitt and enjoy.  He still calls himself “chaplain” and wears the uniform he disgraced.

  2. The sad part is that there are so many out there that believe this right-wing nuttery.  

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