Rural Dems have better shocks?

Back in April, the Vermont Agency of Transportation put out the word that $3.8 million in federal economic stimulus money was available for “Non-Class 1” roadway paving. Local municipalities were encouraged to apply for a piece of that pie to support local paving projects that met the federal criteria. As vtrans indicated, “only roads designated as “Rural Major Collectors” or any other Class 2 or Class 3 roadway that qualifies as a Federal-aid Highway are eligible. Vermont contains about 1,000 miles of local roads that meet the ARRA criteria, and we encourage communities that possess these roadways to consider applying.”

Well, the Agency of Transportation is just getting out notification to the 29 towns that submitted such applications but were not selected for funding by VTrans. Curiously, of those 29 rejected, 22 are represented in the legislature by Democrats.

No doubt that’s just a coincidence.

3 thoughts on “Rural Dems have better shocks?

  1. in light of the current Dem majority?  Give or take maybe two projects?

    Given this extrapolation, do you belive the Obama/anti-Republican car dealer conspiracy theories?

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