Markowitz posts at DailyKos

Yesterday, Deb Markowitz made her first foray into the scary world of the netroots, leapfrogging the statewide scene and instead heading straight for the mothership. From Daily Kos:

Hi DailyKos!

I wanted to post a diary here to introduce myself and to announce the spectacular results of our first filing deadline.  The outpouring of support so far has been tremendous, and I look forward to defeating Jim Douglas and putting a Democrat back in the Governor’s office.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions.

My email is  I’ve copied my campaign’s first press release after the jump.


Deb Markowitz

She only received a handful of comments, as its hard to get attention for Vermont races in that arena – apparently even if you’re a candidate. Still, she probably raised a few dollars out of it. Of course, probably not nearly the $23,000 in pledges for the eventual nominee that have been generated through the local netroots (on the way to $100,000). But hey, at least she’s out there.

Rest of post (consisting of her press release) follows:

Over One Thousand Individuals Contribute to Markowitz Campaign for Governor – Total exceeds $190,000

Secretary of State Deb Markowitz’s campaign for Governor announced today that more than 1,000 individuals contributed to the campaign since she formed an official campaign committee just a few months ago. The contributions show a broad and deep support from ordinary Vermonters. The total raised was over $190,000.

Commenting on the historic number of early contributors, Secretary Markowitz said “I am thrilled by the overwhelming support our campaign has received from across the state. These past few months, I’ve spoken with thousands of Vermonters in every county from Bennington and Windham, to Essex, to Franklin and Grand Isle. It is clear that there is a desire for real leadership and new energy, and an end to confrontational politics in Montpelier”

Support for Markowitz’s gubernatorial bid has come from every county and from all corners of Vermont, and from supporters from all walks of life. From retired Vermonters, to former Governors and small business owners, including Guilford Select Board member Anne Rider, small businessman Tim Briglin, and Howard Mitchell, a retired Vermonter from East Fairfield – and more than a thousand others like them.

Said Secretary Markowitz., “While we are still in the beginning of our campaign, this early success is a demonstration of a true movement for real change and new leadership for Vermont as we build a strong economy, improve our public education, keep our small towns and rural areas vital, and protect our beautiful state”

Organization Facts

• 90% of all contributors from Vermont

• 90% of all contributions from Vermont

• 1,050 individuals have contributed

• 449 public supporters from every county in Vermont

• 1,166 email sign-ups

• Average contribution of $168

6 thoughts on “Markowitz posts at DailyKos

  1. if she had stuck around to respond to them. Posting a press release (about fund raising no less) and not answering questions about her beliefs and such is generally looked at as bad form over there and even has a name: a hit and run diary.

    She seems to get the (fundraising) power of the blogosphere, but strangely doesnt seem to get the medium. She posts her email and asks people to send in questions– but that is the whole point of the comments section!

    I’d like to see her go local (GMD) and talk policy next time. I’m glad she dipped her toe into the pond (though she went right to the ocean I guess if we’re doing tortured metaphors) and it would be great to see all the primary candidates seeking netroots support with substantive pieces on where they want to take the state.  

  2. It would be fun and interesting to see all of the candidates on this blog.  With luck they are starting to get it.

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