Coming to a spam email from your loving but annoying relative soon

Through a set of circumstances too twisted for this post, I came across the following blog post recently on a “whites only” social networking site,

In the speech delivered to the San Juan chapter of NOW, Sotomayor said, “I want to be perfectly clear about this next comment so that there is no mistaking my words to mean something other than what they plainly say: the time has come to end white male oppression by castrating every white male until they are no longer dominant in Western culture. That means forcible removal of their testicles. I realize the brutality of my comment, and I don’t know how to say it more clearly.”

And the comment to that post:

Still think white folks don’t need band together?

Well, imagine my surprise to the news that Judge Sotomayor could have said something like that and it hadn’t been reported in the MSM.  Two seconds of googling, of course, show that the “quote” is from a pretend-news site similar to The Onion –

Full post is here:…

So now I’m thinking that this gem will also end up in the forwarded emails we all get–the ones that originate with a moronic third cousin twice removed but end up forwarded by someone closer, someone who we wish would have been a bit more skeptical before passing it along.

But there it is, and at least one Faux News watcher on the same distribution list as you will likely think the story and the quote are true.