The Morning Smile

(melancholic yet cheerful alert, and a note: I am not a patient of Braun Dental)

The Barre/Montpelier Times Argus is reporting this morning that Braun Dental in Barre is closing its doors on Friday after a 20 year stint serving residents of the city and surrounding environs (Barre dental clinic unexpectedly closing, Times Argus, 07/08/09).

This will certainly be a hardship on the many folks who depended upon the clinic for their dental needs. That was a busy place.

But farther down …

Braun is referring patients with dental emergencies to Dr. Jim Culver, … Culver has agreed to see Braun’s patients, …

. . .

Starting Monday Dr. Bill Koch – another Barre dentist – has agreed to care for Braun’s records,…


This may not look like a big deal at first glance, but when I’ve talked with dentists I’ve been consistently told they are full up with existing patients and hesitant to overburden their offices by taking new ones on.

Not to mention taking on care of what is certainly a huge pile of dental records.

I’m sure there is some financial compensation for some of this. But at the same time I applaud the local dentists for doing what they can to assure the good (and bad) people of the Barre City area will still find accessible dental care.

It certainly is sad to see Braun Dental going out of business. I know people who relied on their quality service and reasonable rates. But it is also certainly heartening to see how local folks have rushed in to help pick up the pieces.

Community .. you know .. that 4th of July thing .. gotta love it!