5 thoughts on “Independence Day Open Thread, 2009: A dream deferred…

  1. when merging photos!

    Scuttlebutt from Alaska is there’s a big fat federal indictment coming down for activities during her time as mayor. Has to do with the Wasilla sports arena built during that time, her home built during that time and materials.

    We’ll see.

    Hope Tina Faye isn’t out of a job.

  2. the Republican governors are the future of their party,everybody says so.Or was it Joe the Plumber that is the future ? I seem to have forgotten.  

  3. “Kicks didn’t kill nixon. We’re gonna have to drive a stake through their hearts.”

    Right on, coops.  These people revel in scandals attached to their name.  As the right wing in America (in broad generality) loves someone that steals more than they do without getting caught, Palin probably has a bright future within the GOP.  Resigning from office now, as the investigations are closing in, gets her out in the nick of time and assures that she will poised to enact the calling of her god.  We’d better be ready.

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