Birds, insects, and wet, wet, weather

Until about two weeks ago, I was out walking and birding every morning.  It has been so soggy lately that I’ve been seriously missing my walks and I’m not certain, but I think I may have forgotten what the word “crisp” means.  

But still, I’ve managed to have a little luck here and there. After the fold, I’ll be presenting photos from the last few weeks of a few different birds and insects, but I’ll start with this Butterfly from last week:

No idea what it is, but I love the look of it.

UPDATE: I’ve since learned it’s a Milbert’s Tortoiseshell.  Cool!

A few quick notes:

  • all of these photos were taken with a Pentax K20d using the Sigma 50-500mm lens;
  • all of the photos are clickable to larger versions with more details (where they were taken, camera setings, etc.);
  • they were all taken in either Vermont or New Hampshire, Southern region, near the Connecticut River.

Baby Barn Swallows




Baltimore Oriole



Blue Jay Feather


Eastern Kingbird


Mystery Butterfly


Mystery Dragonfly


Northern Flicker


Northern Rough-Winged Swallow


Red-tailed hawk in flight


Scarlet Tanager






Yellow Warbler


Once again, I hope you enjoy this collection of birds, birding and insects, and feel free to use this as an open birds & birding thread.

3 thoughts on “Birds, insects, and wet, wet, weather

  1. Wow Julie

    This post is incredible.  I sent the link out to several birder and photographer friends.  Good things to view on a very rainy weekend.


  2. Mystery dragonfly looks like some species of bluet (Enallagma sp.) – actually a damsel fly.  Maybe a Tule bluet?  I’m no expert.

    You’re photography is truly amazing.  Thanks!

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