8 thoughts on “Ed Flanagan announces for Lieutenant Governor

  1. A week ago, he planned on running.  Then he decides he’s not planning on running “at this time.”  Then, several days later, we hit the time he does plan on running.

    It’s kind of like being asked “are you taking out the garbage?”  The answer “I have no plans to take out the garbage at this time” does not say “I don’t plan to take out the garbage.”  It just says “I’m not doing it right this moment.”  Doesn’t mean you’re not planning on doing it in the immediate future.  Just not right now.

    So, the only question remaining is who’s behind the rumors about the trash.  Or, possibly, whether the person asking the question is viewed as part of the trash.

  2. So Flanagan is definately running for LG, and Floyd Nease is considering it. Anyone else?

    And for that matter, who is definately running for Governor, and who is considering it?

  3. I couldn’t help notice a prime instance of rumormongering in this week’s “Fair Game”:

    An interesting House race may be shaping up in Brattleboro, too – this one between Democrats and Progressives: Rep. Sarah Edwards – the first Progressive elected to the legislature outside of Burlington – may face a challenge from recent UVM grad Scott McCarty, a Brattleboro native….

    McCarty said it’s too early to say if he is officially running. “You don’t announce until the session is over,” he said like an old hand. “For legislative races you don’t need that much time. Right now, I’m just talking to local leaders.”

    Totten does something I thought was beneath him: he reports a potential 2010 candidacy without naming sources.

    So what’s the difference between this, and GMD’s scurrilous unnamed-source reporting on potential 2010 candidates? Two things I can see:

    — Totten doesn’t even attribute his rumor to unnamed sources. He just puts it out there — “may face a challenge”.

    — His rumor is about a much lower-level race. With all due respect, who gives a flyin’ frick if someone might run for a House seat next year? GMD is at least reporting on races pertinent to the entire state.

    It’s almost as though Totten was really desperate to get in on the candidate-rumor game, and this was the best he could do. I wonder if he’ll credit GMD for getting Flanagan right?  

  4. My apologies if this isn’t the spot for this,but it jumped out at me .I followed the link to 7Days and found this about Dubie and wondered ….Why is part of being Lt. Gov. duties flying to French Guiana to watch a satellite launch? Huh!

    Dubie said. “Right now I am focused on doing the job Vermonters elected me to do.”

    On Wednesday that job took him to French Guiana where he watched a TerreStar satellite launched into orbit. The satellite is designed to improve AT&T mobile phone service in Vermont, as well as bring high-speed Internet services to the Northeast Kingdom.

    Stretch much ?

  5. From my post here on June 27,

    Let’s just start with the simple fact that Flanagan didn’t say that he won’t run.

    My experience with him is that he has no ethics and no compunction about pulling the rug out from otherwise deserving individuals.

    So, its quite possible that he was the source of the “rumor” in the first place to float the idea.  And, it wouldn’t surprise me that he won’t own up to it….

    On balance, I’d say that the 7 Days post was good for GMD and will lead to more people looking to see what’s said.

    Time will tell about the Flanagan angle.  Just one more reason to hope he doesn’t run.


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