Monthly Archives: June 2009

“This is a drill. Team 3 calling in … can you hear me?”

Yesterday in Southern Vermont the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency and Vermont officials conducted a drill required to be done every other year to determine readiness for a nuclear emergency. The task of the radio active plume team in an actual emergency would be to sample air and take radio active samples to determine if when and where people would be evacuated.

Here are some key parts from the TA article that may give the feel of this learning exercise.I am not certain how the official quoted here comes the conclusion that “It was great from our end “.

• ..they couldn’t pull down a strong cell phone signal to relay information back to headquarters …….

• …resort to contacting people on their private cell phones at the center in Brattleboro to find out what was wrong…

• …resorting to the phone of an official observer of the drill…

• …They were directed to a road off Route 142, which none of them could find on a map…………..

• …faulty digital interface from One Communication of Hartford, Conn……….

• …The radio had been tested repeatedly at their staging area in Dummerston, but now it failed to work………

• ….At Route 5, again there was no radio and no cell phone service.

• …told them to drive around until they found better reception.

Barbara Farr, Vermont’s director of emergency management, said after the daylong exercise that alternative routes of communication were established, using radios and the town’s fax machine.

“The good thing is we always have built-in redundancy,” she said. “It went great from our end,” she said, a view echoed by Entergy…

It’s that time again

Yes, it's time once again to cast your vote in the Seven Daysies competition.

 As you know, the Daysies are the reader's choice competition for the best of Vermont, conducted by our friends at Seven Days, where, in all seriousness, you can read some of the best political and cultural reporting in Vermont. GMD has been honored with the second-place rating in each of the last two (or is it three?) years, and we're in the running once again in the category of Best Political Blog.

Naturally, we think we are the best political blog in Vermont. We're also pathetic enough to really want to win, so if you're inclined to do so, we'd appreciate your vote.

For your vote to count you need to vote in least 25% (24) of the categories, but there are plenty of categories and businesses that are worthy of your vote.

The deadline's June 26, but why wait?

Another One Bites the Dust – One Less Job in America

How does the old saying go? “When other people lose their jobs, it’s a recession; when you lose yours, it’s a depression.”  Things just got depressing in our household. Our sole breadwinner just joined the newly unemployed. His company has been seeking funding for months (a startup), but hasn’t secured what they need. In order to remain viable while continuing the funding search, they’ve had to cut pretty deeply.

Folks who’ve seen my comments and diaries over the years know that we had a long, nasty patch of dual-unemployment, large COBRA payments, and two kids to feed a few years ago. It left us in a deep debt hole, which we have largely failed to climb out of, but slow, halting, painful progress was being made.

Since every 401k penny was drained last time, and paying down high interest debt takes precedence over investing, we don’t have to worry about losing our 401K to COBRA this time out, so that won’t be quite as much of a drag… heh.

So we’re back to about 50 places behind the starting line. With no health insurance. And 2 growing kids. We have no mortgage (no house either), but we have significant credit card debt, and our only car’s not paid off.

I’ve been looking for a while now, and have noticed that one does not even get auto-replies when you send in resumes. Most companies aren’t quite tech-savvy enough to have their mail server set up to automatically respond with boiler-plate indicating your resume has been received, and others are so inundated with applicants, they couldn’t possibly reply.  I talked to one company a while back (to find out if they’d received my resume, because their submission form glitched), they’d received 4000 resumes within 2 days of posting the job on CraigsList. It took a while to find mine in the mass of responses.

Oddly, I’m feeling pretty calm about it. I mean, we’ve been through this. It sucks, but at least we have a place to stay … we just won’t have health coverage and we may lose the car. If it lasts more than a month or two, we’ll have to file bankruptcy, ‘cuz the credit card bills are more than we can afford on unemployment. Oh, and we had a flexible spending account, which we used to pay for our son’s braces, but since it’s only 1/2 way though the year, we haven’t actually contributed the whole amount into the account, so we’re going to have to pay back about half of it.

The evil lilac season this year has made my asthma return with a vengeance, and the new version of the inhaler that keeps me alive is EXPENSIVE, and hubby was recently diagnosed with high cholesterol, so he’s got his new meds.

OK, I probably won’t be so calm in a few days.

I sure wish we had a national health plan right about now.

Dear Congress, Hint, hint…

I don’t really have anything profound to say. We’ve been standing on the razor’s edge for quite a while, and now we’re in free-fall. I’m not quite sure what the landing is going to look like, but I’m pretty sure it’s not going to be pretty.

Job leads appreciated (electro-optics, web-dev management, tech writing).

The next wave of tea parties

I’ve been working with Kristin Sohlstrom ( to organize an Independence Day Tea Party in Barre City. This is her first time organizing something like this and up until recently has not been very politically active. She is an independent, unaffiliated with a party, and wants this tea party to be be as inclusive as possible.

I realize that this isn’t necessarily a sympathetic venue, but we’re extending a hand.

From Kristin:

There is a revolution brewing in this state the likes of which haven’t been seen before.  It’s the direct result of a national NONPARTISAN grassroots movement (not “paid volunteers”) to make the government at all levels accountable to their constituents and to stop the excessive taxation and spending.

I am the organizer of the Barre City Tea Party to be held July 4th at the City Hall Park in Barre from 11:00-12:00.  You are all invited to attend and to bring as many people and signs as you can muster.

I am a very disgruntled taxpayer who isn’t at all buying the rhetoric from Montpelier that all parties did everything they could to reduce the highest tax burden in the country.  What those of us who are watching know is that both budgets did nothing more than maintain the status quo in spending and to provide funding for increased government.

As Thomas Jefferson said, “A wise and prudent government does not take bread from the mouth of labor.”

There have been many misconceptions about who the Tea Party participants are.  Please feel free to ask me any questions about who we are.  This is my first time doing anything like this and I’m not the only first-time organizer.  This is overwhelming and a bit intimidating, but the importance of this movement overshadows all of that because at the end of the day, the sovereignty and liberty of the individual in this country and in the State of Vermont is at stake.

WHOIS open thread

I used to look for this stuff all the time, but I’ve slacked in recent months. Here is some interesting website domain registration info. Note the following doesn’t constitute a campaign announcement, as it may be about keeping options open – but at the very least, it shows how seriously such options may be being taken:


Peter Shumlin

345 Hickory Ridge Rd.

Putney, Vermont 05346

United States

Registered through:, Inc. (


Created on: 27-Feb-09

Expires on: 27-Feb-11

Last Updated on: 27-Feb-09

This is interesting too:

Domain Name:

Created on ………….Tue Mar 15 23:59:59 2005

Expires on ………….Fri Mar 26 23:59:59 2010

Record last updated on .Thu Feb 26 05:13:31 2009,

Note it was renewed in February – but only for a year, and will expire again early in the election year. Hmmm.

On an unrelated note: I was asked to mention that there’s a fundraiser for Tom Salmon Thursday, June 11, from 5:30-7:00 at the St. John’s Club in Burlington (9 Central Ave.) – questions can go to (802) 233-1207. Suggested contributions start at $25, but there is no minimum.

Peter Shumlin on the national news

In case you missed it Sunday, NPR ran a story about the national battle over bribes payments by drug companies, and the legislation proposed to control them. As part of the story they interviewed Peter Shumlin , President Pro Tem of the Vermont Senate and potential gubernatorial candidate, about the legislation just passed by the Vermont Legislature.

 The Vermont Legislature recently passed the strictest bill to date, and it is expected to become law next month. Vermont state Sen. Peter Shumlin, who sponsored the bill, says the state is trying to take a leadership role in what he calls a national problem.

 Longtime observers of the Vermont scene are well aware of Shumlin's ability to score headlines around here. It's great to see him, and Vermont, getting national coverage for being out ahead of the rest of the country. We covered this bill back at the beginning of the session, so it's good to see that they got this one passed.

Just another “routine” leak at Vermont Yankee

It happened again folks.  Bob Audette of the Brattleboro Reformer reports another leak was discovered at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant yesterday. This time it’s in the condenser.  Audette writes the following

“The miles and miles of pipes that are used to cool reactor steam produced by Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant sprang another leak Monday.

According to a press release from Yankee, the plant will be reducing power in “the next several weeks” to attempt to repair the condenser, stated Rob Williams, spokesman for Yankee, in a press release detailing the leak.

The condenser acts as a radiator, using water from the Connecticut River to cool steam from the reactor, turning it back into water before sending it back to the reactor.

The condenser is overpressurized to prevent reactor water from getting into the river.

The leak is allowing river water to enter the system and was discovered after plant technicians identified a slight increase in the chloride concentration in the reactor water.”

VY spokesman, Rob Williams.

“This condition has occurred at Vermont Yankee several times over the life of the plant including the last operating cycle,” stated Williams. “Planning is under way to temporarily reduce power to allow technicians to identify the precise location of the leak and to repair it.”

In April 2008, a similar leak forced the plant to power down to 45 percent of its 650-megawatt capacity. The leak was estimated to be about one quart a minute.

According to the recent audit of the power plant, “the condenser is near the end of its useful life and might not be able to operate reliably through 2012 without some remedial actions.”

Folks, this power plant is not reliable. If the state chooses to keep it, expect more problems like this in the future. Vermont Yankee is going to continue operating until it falls apart. That’s not a good business plan for Vermont’s energy needs.

To read the rest of the article click here.

Baiting Governor Douglas ?

In the summer, blooms of toxic algae have forced the state of Vermont to warn people to stay out of parts of northern Lake Champlain but today Governor Douglas  will  host Lake Champlain fishing derby . The second  annual Lake Champlain International Governor’s Cup fishing derby proceeds will go to the Lake Champlain Fisheries Recovery Initiative and the Lake Champlain Next Generation Fund.

But the important question on most Vermonter’s minds must be;Who baits the Governor’s hook this year ? A year ago it was  Fish & Wildlife Commissioner Wayne Laroche who was given the task. Will the Governor dare to yield to pressure and bait his own hook ?…


HAMBURGER SUMMIT time: Sunday, June 28th – now with special MONTPELIER flavor

( – promoted by JulieWaters)

What is this – the 4th annual “blogger barbecue”? The 3rd? Well, whatever, its back, and its moved a bit south this year. That’s right, Montpelier, baby. Sure, that decreases the liklihood of maintaining the high officeholder density level, in relatively small Montpelier, but it was time to make the trip for our friends down south a little less burdensome anyway.

So here, then, are the vital stats:

  • WHEN: Sunday, June 28, 1-5 PM (rain or shine – we have a big tent thing)
  • WHERE: Montpelier recreation field, next to the pool  (see map)
  • WHY: Cuz we’ll be hungry
  • WHO: Blog readers, officionadoes, and enthusiasts of differing political stripes, as well as new media creatures of all persuasions. Political officeholders, political officeholder-hopetobes, kids, frisbees, basketballs, maybe even some fish.

Seriously, its a great place to be. Bring bathing suits, tennis rackets, croquet mallets, fishing poles – whatever. There will be some food for grillin’, drinks and chippage on hand, but it wouldn’t hurt to bring something (not necessary, I’m just sayin’…)

Come one! Come all! Will Charity Tensel and JD Ryan finally break down and come to blows (or does their online sparring mask something… else?)? Will Jack shave his beard for charity? Will Philip break down and confess that his writings were really the work of Francis Bacon?

So don’t miss it (map after the fold). The human adventure is just beginning.

Map shows “Poolside drive.” Turn right onto poolside drive and it dumps you into a parking lot. Park there and look to the far side of the pool.

View Larger Map

DemocracyFest Updates

OK, first the basics:

DemocracyFest is a political festival for liberal/progressive activists which features trainings, speakers and entertainment; teaching people how to make a difference and have fun doing it! Prior DemocracyFests have been held in Massachusetts, Texas, California, New Hampshire and Virginia. Over 4,000 activists have been trained to help on campaigns and make a difference in their communities.

The 6th Annual DemocracyFest will be held this summer, July 17-19, 2009 at the Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center in Burlington, VT!

For more information and tickets, go to

Updates below the fold…

Speaker Updates

Gov. Howard Dean, Sen. Mike Gravel, Gov. Madeleine Kunin, Sen. Doug Racine and Mayor Bob Kiss will take the stage and answer your questions during our welcome and commencement ceremonies, as well as during meal times (Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast included in the $55 full event ticket). Sen. Pat Leahy and Sen. Bernie Sanders have both penciled speaking into their schedules. Stay tuned for confirmation!

Entertainment Updates

Musical performances by Rebecca Padula, Bobby Kendes, Subway Serenade and Axiomatic. “Dean and Me” Movie Screening with Heath Eiden. Plus stand-up comedy by Rep. Jason Lorber. Yes, he’s a professional comedian and VT State Representative, as well as TV show host! Be part of the live studio audience during the taping of his show “Correcting Corrections” on Saturday too!

Trainings Update

– Universal Health Care w/ Dr. Deb Richter – Election Integrity w/ Alan Dechert – Netroots Campaigning w/ John Odum – Instant Runoff Voting w/ Rep. Michael Fisher – Safe and Renewable Energy w/ Dan DeWalt and Mathew Lash – Marriage Equality w/ Sheryl Rapee-Adams – Grassroots Legislative Advocacy w/ Kate Kanelstein and Bekah Mandell – National Nurse Campaign w/ Teri Mills and Alisa Schneider – Citizen Rights w/ Charlie Grapski – Women in Politics w/ Sen. Hinda Miller and Rep. Sandy Haas – Significance of Unions w/ Mathew Lash – Law Enforcement Against Prohibition w/ Richard Van Wickler – Buying Local w/ Rep. David Zuckerman

And more! Keep an eye on our schedule page for additional trainings.

Lodging Update

The 2nd block of rooms we reserved at the Sheraton is almost full and we are NOT planning on reserving a 3rd block. Get your room at the reduced rate of $99/night before they’re gone! Reserve your lodging by calling 1-802-865-6600. You must say you are with the DemocracyFest group to get the reduced rate.

Sponsor Updates

We are so grateful to all of our wonderful sponsors who are supporting the event this year. Please visit them at the event in the sponsor tabling area, or click through to their websites from our homepage:

Democracy for Vermont, VT Democratic Party, Truth and Hope, DMedia, Latinos For America, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, VT Progressive Party, Vermont League of Conservation Voters, VPIRG, Green Mountain Mailer, Liane Allen Web Development, VT Freedom To Marry, Sheraton Hotel, Montgomery County Democracy For America, Vermont Gay Guide, East Bay For Democracy, Green Mountain Daily, Chelsea Green Publishing, VT Workers Center, Doug Racine for Governor, VT Alliance for Intelligent Drug Laws, Peace and Justice Center

If your business or organization would like to sponsor DemocracyFest (very affordable with lots of great benefits including tabling space and tickets), please check out our Sponsor Levels and benefits here:…

Other Fun Stuff Updates

– Book signings by Gov. Howard Dean, Gov. Madeline Kunin and Sen. Mike Gravel – Video lounge; Hang out and watch some progressive movies with fellow activists, as well as video clips from nationally known activists who couldn’t make it to speak in person, but were nice enough to record a special video clip for us. – Childrens Area; Children under 14 get free admission (including meals) with adult ticket purchase, and we will have a special area for them with civic-minded books, games and activities. – Semi-Guided tour of Burlington on Friday. Stay tuned for details! – Late-night parties both Friday and Saturday nights – Early morning yoga with Sen. Hinda Miller on Saturday and Sunday mornings (“Heck Of A Job, Brownie” awards to anyone who attends the late night parties and the early morning yoga!)

And who knows what else we’ll come up with in the next month! Get your tickets today at