Walmart’s $4 Drugs Coming From Indian Company Whose Products Have Been Banned In US and Canada

Walmart, in one of their worst ways of prioritizing prices above qualities to date, turns to a foreign drug supplier, Ranbaxy Laboratories, LTD, who has repeatedly been investigated by the FDA and the DoJ for “inadequate” safeguards against contamination, falsification of records and submitting false information to the FDA.  

On top of that, just eight months before the FDA inspected Ranbaxy’s Paonta Sahib plant and found significant violations, Walmart awarded the company a “Supplier Award” for improving shipping times and performance.

In a new report on our website, we detail their multi-year spanning violations, DoJ investigation, Congressional Investigation, and list out all of the drugs made at the facility in questions.  Additionally, we detail their recent violations below.  

2009 Violations

In Feb 2009, the FDA halted a review of importation applications for generic drugs manufactured at Ranbaxy’s Paonta Sahib plant owned by Ranbaxy Laboratories, LTD, the Indian generic drug manufacturer, “due to evidence of falsified data.” According to the FDA press release, Ranbaxy “falsified data and test results in approved and pending drug applications.” Not only were seven different examples of false statements made by Ranbaxy to the FDA in their warning letter – this was the third time the facility had run afould of fed Food and Drug laws.  

The FDA did include a caveat in its release, stating that the agency “has no evidence that these drugs do not meet their quality specifications and has not identified any health risks associated with currently marketed Ranbaxy products.”  But just a week after the FDA announced it was halting review of Paonta Sahib applications, Canada announced it was “quarantining” all drugs produced at the Paonta Sahib plant.

2008 Violations

Previously, in September 2008, the FDA issued warning letters to Ranbaxy regarding “significant deviations” from FDA standards for the manufacture of drugs sold in the United States. According to an FDA press release, the agency also banned the importation of any Ranbaxy drugs produced at the company’s Dewas and Paonta Sahib plants.

According to the release, the Dewas plant’s cross-contamination prevention program was “insufficient.” These programs are designed to prevent cross-contamination between different types of drugs. The plant also used “inadequate” sterilization procedures and performed “inadequate failure investigations.” According to the FDA release, failure investigations are performed “to address any manufacturing control or product rejection to determine the root cause and prevent recurrence.” The Paonta Sahib plant had “inaccurate” records regarding cleaning and maintaining of its equipment and “incomplete” records.

Deborah Autor, director of the Office of Compliance at the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, announced that the “severe violations” had led the FDA to ban importation of drugs from these plants and to deny any new drug import applications for drugs manufactured at these plants.

Before the warning letters were sent and the sanctions put in place, Ranbaxy had the opportunity to rectify the problems at the Dewas and Paonta Sahib plants; however, the company’s “response failed to adequately address multiple, serious deficiencies.”

Again – please read our full report at Wake-Up Wal-Mart.

33 thoughts on “Walmart’s $4 Drugs Coming From Indian Company Whose Products Have Been Banned In US and Canada

  1. This company produces drugs in 11 different countries around the world.  

    Do you have evidence that the drugs at Walmart were produced in either of these facilities?

    The FDA warns, cites, and stops production of products all the time.  Working in an industry that is regulated by the FDA, I see this on a weekly basis.  I’m not saying that this is OK for Ranbaxy, but make sure you are not making a mountain out of a molehill.

  2. after all they are very supportive of the President’s health care proposal:

    Wal-Mart (WMT), the former poster child for corporate villainy, once again has surprised both its critics and its corporate peers by backing President Barack Obama’s plans to force employers to provide health insurance to workers, the Wall Street Journal reports.

    Why should they have to provide benefits to their employees when the Feds are more than happy to do it for them?

  3. Hey, remember when Big Pharma was fighting to block consumers from bringing drugs from Canada or elsewhere? The claim was “We don’t know where these drugs are made! We don’t know about quality control, safety or efficacy!”

    So we shouldn’t cross the Derby Line to buy a bottle of pills, but Wal-Mart can make a huge deal with a foreign drug company that has a long string of violations and questionable practices? Huh. I guess corporations know best.  

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