Racine watching his Shumlin flank

With most observers assuming that Senate President Pro Tem Peter Shumlin will join Senators Doug Racine, Susan Bartlett and (unofficially as yet) Secretary of State Deb Markowitz in the running for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, Racine continues his strategic campaigning (campaign staffer Mark Larson’s impact, perhaps?). His first big move was to start openly building bridges with Progressives, keeping Markowitz from owning the “electability” meme by framing it on finances alone. Now, with the goodwill and support among the GLBT community accumulated by Shumlin with his leading role on marriage equality and his recent boycott of a DNC fundraiser as an act of solidarity with gay and lesbian activists slighted by the Obama administration, Racine is moving to shore up his own bona fides among this important voting bloc. From a press release:

In an open letter to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Vermonters and their allies State Representatives Bill Lippert, Suzi Wizowaty and Steve Howard announced their decision to support Sen. Doug Racine in the 2010 Governor’s race today.

“As legislators, and members of Vermont’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community, we appreciate Doug’s leadership on issues that affect all Vermont families, including our families,” said Rep. Wizowaty…

…In their letter, the three legislators recount then Lieutenant Governor Racine’s early support for marriage equality.  In 1999, Hawaii had just overturned its decision on marriage, Vermont was still awaiting a decision in Baker v. State, and a mailing signed by Hawaiian legislators warning against marriage equality had just been sent to every Vermont home.  A scathing Free Press editorial at the time accused Lt. Governor Racine of being irresponsible and inviting “warfare within Vermont’s borders and unprecedented assault from without.”  

“In the face of this political risk, almost every major Vermont political leader remained silent.  Doug, however, publicly declared his belief that our families should be treated equally under the law,” states the letter from the legislators.

Hmm. “Almost every Vermont political leader.” A little poke at Racine’s rivals? Careful, folks.

Howard also gives Racine an early endorsement in Rutland County, providing a beachhead for more buzz outside his home region. Complete release is below the fold.

State Representatives Bill Lippert, Suzi Wizowaty and Steve Howard announce support for Doug Racine for Governor.

Tuesday June 30, 2009 Burlington VT:  

In an open letter to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Vermonters and their allies State Representatives Bill Lippert, Suzi Wizowaty and Steve Howard announced their decision to support Sen. Doug Racine in the 2010 Governor’s race today.

“As legislators, and members of Vermont’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community, we appreciate Doug’s leadership on issues that affect all Vermont families, including our families,” said Rep. Wizowaty.  “We need a governor who can bring Vermonters together to solve the real challenges facing our state.  Doug Racine is the person who can best do this.”

In their letter, the three legislators recount then Lieutenant Governor Racine’s early support for marriage equality.  In 1999, Hawaii had just overturned its decision on marriage, Vermont was still awaiting a decision in Baker v. State, and a mailing signed by Hawaiian legislators warning against marriage equality had just been sent to every Vermont home.  A scathing Free Press editorial at the time accused Lt. Governor Racine of being irresponsible and inviting “warfare within Vermont’s borders and unprecedented assault from without.”

“In the face of this political risk, almost every major Vermont political leader remained silent.  Doug, however, publicly declared his belief that our families should be treated equally under the law,” states the letter from the legislators.  “For doing so, he was resoundingly criticized by many.  We know that his critics were wrong, but we remember Doug’s courage in standing up for our rights.  When we needed Doug, he stood by us and our families.  And we are proud to now stand by him.”

“Doug’s leadership on our civil rights has been strong and longstanding.” said Rep. Lippert.  “As a member of House Judiciary Committee, and for many years the only out legislator, I know how important reliable allies have been to the fight for our civil rights.  From adoption rights to marriage equality, Doug has always been with us.  His leadership and commitment to our rights have made a real difference for our community.”

The three legislators made it clear though that their support was not just about Sen. Racine’s record of civil rights.  “While much appreciated, my support is not just because of Doug’s support for our community,” stated Rep. Howard.  “Doug understands the challenges of working Vermonters and gets the importance of re-building a strong economy.  We need better jobs.  Promises aren’t enough.  All Vermonters will benefit from the new style of leadership that Doug will bring to the Governor’s office.”

Rep. Bill Lippert represents Hinesburg and is the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee.  Rep. Steve Howard represents Rutland City and serves on the House Ways and Means Committee.  Rep. Howard is also a former Chair of the State Democratic Party.  Rep. Suzi Wizowaty represents the south end of Burlington and is on the House Health Care Committee.

For more information contact Mark Larson at mark.larson@dougracine.com or 355-4507.