DemocracyFest Preview Show

CCTV Channel 17 will be airing a “DemocracyFest Preview Show” this Monday, June 29th, at 5:25pm.

It’s a live call-in show, so if any of you near Burlington want to watch and call in, that would be great! The number to call with questions or comments is 862-3966.

Nick Carter (some of you may know him from Gaye Symington’s campaign or VT Freedom to Marry) will host the show and 2 of our DemocracyFest Board Members have volunteered to be the guests.

I’m very grateful for this because I am totally TV camera shy! Back when I ran for State House against Tom Depoy in 2004, PEG-TV (Rutland’s equivilant of CCTV) had me record a 5 minute statement to play on their station. I seriously thought I was going to have a heart attack! Couldn’t breath or talk, heart pounding in my chest…Luckily the recording person was a very nice Dem and let me try several times before I finally calmed down enough to be able to speak in complete sentances. I’ve probably grown out of this a little (I have been able to overcome my fear of public speaking over the years), but still, when CCTV asked me to do this, my first thought was “Who can I con into doing this instead?” LOL!

Anyway, hope some of you will be able to watch and call in, and don’t forget to buy your DemocracyFest tickets soon! Ticket prices increase on July 1st!

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