Cause of nuclear plant leak “still unknown”

Per today’s Rutland Herald:

“We don’t have the specific cause, however, this type of leak is common in steam-generating plants with condensers. It can be caused by a defect created during tube manufacturing installation, or operational conditions,” he said.

I don’t know.  Maybe I’m picky.  But I’d personally think that if someone were running, for example, a nuclear power plant, they’d be a stickler for accuracy when it comes to this sort of thing.  Then again…

Williams said this month’s condenser leak was of the same type of leak that occurred in the condenser last year. He said the condenser has had several leaks over its life, although he said he didn’t have an exact number.

…maybe not.

2 thoughts on “Cause of nuclear plant leak “still unknown”

  1. And the leak of the week club rolls on into the night.

    I’m sure they’ll figure it out eventually.  

  2. This continuing maintenance nightmare will only keep on if the plant is relicensed. Maybe they’ll invest in some repair if they get their 20 years. Anything less, and it’ll be like this and worse.

    I say anything less, because it is RUMORED that gov. candidate Doug Racine wants to relicense Yankee for, like, 5 years. I think I get it — that would give Vermonters a little more time to figure out where else the power is going to come from and get it up and running. But geez, louise, it doesn’t really take a brilliant person to see that a company wouldn’t bother to invest anything in a plant that’s only going to run for five years, so even less maintenance, if that’s possible, over the short term would be an unintended consequence of Mr. Racine’s plan.

    It’s gotta be all or nothing, and I vote nothing.

    Aurora Borealis

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