Your name here Sen.Gregg ……

…..and here and here

When President Obama  unveiled the ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act logo in March ,as the stimulus funds first entered the food chain he said “These emblems are symbols of our commitment to you, the American people – a commitment to investing your tax dollars wisely, to put Americans to work doing the work that needs to be done. So when you see them on projects that your tax dollars made possible, let it be a reminder that our government – your government – is doing its part to put the economy back on the road of recovery.”

The signs show that our tax dollars are at work for us. Many Republican and of course Democratic governors across the country have not been shy about putting up the ARRA signage at highway bridge and paving projects but  now with the program rolling along and with the successful completion of some of the earliest projects Sen. Judd Gregg has decided he doesn’t like the signage or the publicity they bring to the recovery projects .He seems to be pulling a full New Hampshire pennywise routine on this issue after looking so foolish earlier in the year with his back and forth on the Sec. Of  Commerce  job in the Obama administration and  newspaper reports of  personal profiting from real estate investments at the former Pease Air force base redevelopment .  

DOVER – U.S. Sen. Judd Gregg wants to ax the plaques, as in those highway signs alerting motorists to work being done thanks to the federal stimulus package.

He said the signs do nothing except let lawmakers “pat themselves on the back” about passing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

The New Hampshire Republican said the legislation, which he opposed, has been a “disappointment” and costs in excess of $1 trillion.

Gregg filed legislation this week to prohibit the use of stimulus funds for signs that advertise taxpayer spending.

Senator Gregg does  have more than passing  knowledge of how to pat ones self on ones own back.

– Gregg earmarked$500,000 in federal money to Plymouth State University for the “Judd Gregg Meteorology Institute.”

“Gregg Hall” at the University of New Hampshire was dedicated after Gregg secured $266million  in federal funds for the university.

“The Judd Gregg Library” was dedicated after Gregg secured $150,000 for the Nasua Policy Athletic League.……