And the hits just ‘a keep on coming…


Ok, so David "Diapers" Vitter apologizes after his affair and gets a warm round of applause at the GOP luncheon. Same with John Ensign. I suppose Mark Sanford will get a full on Argentinian banquet from the GOP before the week is done. Larry "Wide Stance" Craig? They tried to get him to resign.

You know, they really need to drop this "family values" nonsense and just stick with the warmongering/plutocratic/corporatist bit. At least we know they're never gonna be hypocritical about that, right?

5 thoughts on “And the hits just ‘a keep on coming…

  1. “There’s been a misunderstanding.  I didn’t tell my wife I was going on the Appalachian Trail, I told her I was going to get some Argentinian tail…”

  2. Yeah. Jim in his boxers pulled up to his lower armpit. The black socks with the little sock suspenders. Wife beater T. “Hey Baby. Let me show you my stimulus package.”

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