“1000 Vermonters for Change” moving inexorably toward goal

About a month ago, in the midst of a frustrated picque, I launched the Facebook group 1000 Vermonters for change. Y’all remember that, right?

The big dynamic that works against us in trying to take the Governorship is, as often mentioned, the primary election, coming so close as it does to the general – especially if you feel, as many of us on the left and engaged with the netroots do – that a primary contest is an absolute necessity to put together the voter interest and media attention necessary to win in November, as well as to have an opportunity to choose the best candidate, rather than have one chosen for us by the political illuminati (such as they are) or simply by default. And one way that it hurts us is by leaving little time for raising competitive funding after spending on a primary battle.

So, here’s my solution. I’ve created a Facebook group: 1000 Vermonters for Change. My goal is to get 1000 people to join over the next year – 1000 people who commit to sending a $100 contribution to whoever wins the Democratic primary, the day after the primary election. That’s $100,000 and its a pretty big boost.

Well, I’m thrilled to report that we’re already over 20% of the way to our goal, with well over a year to go. The group’s membership continues to tick upward steadily, and currently stands at 210 members. Add in the 4 who indicated they were signing up but don’t have Facebook user accounts, and its at 214. That’s already $21,400 pledged to the winner of the Democratic primary the day after that winner is chosen, all to help do what we can to mitigate the drawbacks of a primary, leaving us to benefit from the necessary advantages that such a contest provides.

Good stuff. And thanks to everyone who has stepped up to the plate thusfar. Hopefully we’ll see some of you at the big Hamburger Summit next weekend in Montpelier (aka the “Bloggers Barbeque,” which isn’t just for bloggers, y’know.)

7 thoughts on ““1000 Vermonters for Change” moving inexorably toward goal

  1. For someone who as such a strong interest in politics as you Odum, this idea seems a bit foolish.  Not the whole thing, but perhaps instead of handing the loot over to the Democratic winner you should produce a specific platform you support as ‘real change’ and give it to the candidate most in line with that, whether he/she be Democrat, Republican, Independent, Progressive, Libertarian, etc.  Barack Obama is a Democrat who ran on ‘change’ yet has continued down the path laid before him by Wall Street just as his predecessor did.  I suggest as another alternative using the funds to support VT candidates interested in Secession.  Thomas Naylor had a great interview on Glenn Beck last night, the link is below.

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