Buzz Part 2: Tim Palmer for Lt. Governor too?

…and the latest buzz to reach my ears is that former executive director of Vermont CARES Tim Palmer is also talking to folks about jumping into the Lieutenant Governor pool. Is this becoming a free for all? Palmer, who has run unsuccessfully for State Senate at least three times since 1998, would have an awfully rough time establishing statewide name recognition with the heavy hitters he’d likely be facing, but could conceivably compete for Chittenden primary voters against Flanagan (if he also gets in), which would be good news for Floyd Nease (who is definitely in).

He’s gonna have to get “” unhacked, though (probably shouldn’t check it out to see what I mean…there might be something malicious… currently, it bears the message “Team Users : CIGLIK – Real_Karizma – GiX – NiqhT – inSuLiN_20mg – XJaDeX – BY K@RT@L – REDWHiTE- Zombie – G@MMBeT”).