Natalie Presents Her Report on Harvey Milk

On May 21, I posted a diary about Natalie Jones and her, ahem, overzealous principal and superintendent. The school officials had prevented her from presenting her independent project report on the the life of assassinated San Francisco Supervisor and gay rights activist Harvey Milk. They seemed to think that the district’s policy covering sex education and requiring written permission from her classmate’s parents for them to witness the presentation somehow applied to anything mentioning someone who was gay.

Well huzzah! The school officials have come to their senses (no doubt influenced by the intervention of the San Diego ACLU), and allowed Natalie to present her report, as reported by the San Diego Union-Tribune, “In the last few hours of the last day of school at Mount Woodson Elementary.”

The Union Tribune has furnished links to the letter the school district sent to Natalie to apologize for preventing her presentation, and to the parents of her classmates to ‘explain’ their mistaken judgment, and to Natalie’s own PowerPoint presentation.

That last one really brings home the homophobia the school’s officials operated from. Sensitivity training anyone?

One thought on “Natalie Presents Her Report on Harvey Milk

  1. That amends have been made for this injustice. Good for her for standing up against bigotry. I’m glad she finally got to give her presentation.

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