WHOIS open thread

I used to look for this stuff all the time, but I’ve slacked in recent months. Here is some interesting website domain registration info. Note the following doesn’t constitute a campaign announcement, as it may be about keeping options open – but at the very least, it shows how seriously such options may be being taken:


Peter Shumlin

345 Hickory Ridge Rd.

Putney, Vermont 05346

United States

Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)


Created on: 27-Feb-09

Expires on: 27-Feb-11

Last Updated on: 27-Feb-09

This is interesting too:

Domain Name: briandubie.com

Created on ………….Tue Mar 15 23:59:59 2005

Expires on ………….Fri Mar 26 23:59:59 2010

Record last updated on .Thu Feb 26 05:13:31 2009,

Note it was renewed in February – but only for a year, and will expire again early in the election year. Hmmm.

On an unrelated note: I was asked to mention that there’s a fundraiser for Tom Salmon Thursday, June 11, from 5:30-7:00 at the St. John’s Club in Burlington (9 Central Ave.) – questions can go to (802) 233-1207. Suggested contributions start at $25, but there is no minimum.

8 thoughts on “WHOIS open thread

  1. I’d like to offer to mediate the “suggested contribution” rate for people who want to attend the Salmon fundraiser.

  2. The assumption would be that the funds will go toward a Salmon run for re-election as Auditor. But given the staff/consultants he’s hiring, the sacred aura he now wears as a result of his overseas military service, and his move to raise his own profile by stepping into the budget dispute, there’s every good reason to believe that any funds raised may be used in a bid for Gov. or Lt. Gov.

    Just so we’re clear …


    A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both. ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), Inaugural Address, January 20, 1953

  3. To the Tom Salmon School of Mediation Science. Chartered in 2009, the TSMS survives on contributions as little as $25, but there is no minimum. Students learn from the master himself and find out mediation secrets that have been passed down from generation to generation in the Salmon household. You’ll always be swimming upstream without the Tom Salmon School of Mediation Science.  

  4. Shumlin asks Arnie Gundersen to keep an eye on whether Yankee is complying with results of review while the legislature is not in session.

    Baruth has the story.

    So, is he doing so as a Senator with a fiscal and environmental bomb in his district, or as a potential gubernatorial candidate?

    And, though slightly off-topic, here’s Entergy mouthpiece Rob Williams’ response:

    It was a surprise, therefore, to hear, via our hometown newspaper, that there was a suggestion in Montpelier to have a member of the oversight panel reactivated for yet another layer of review as the recommendations are implemented. We have always said that the legislature has an important role in license renewal, but adding additional layers, in an already complex process, sounds to us like unnecessary second guessing of the Department of Public Service. Yet another layer is unwarranted. There, I said it. Unwarranted.

    There is apparently some pushback from the overrides: according to an inside source, the Douglas Administration is insisting that ongoing oversight was not intended to be a part of Act 189, as reflected in Shay Totten’s Seven Days Blurt post:

    [Sarah] Hofmann said DPS [Department of Public Service] and its own “expert consultants” will ensure all recommendations are effectively carried out.

    Or, “Outside monitors?? We don’t need no steeenkin’ outside monitors!!”


    In a Time of Universal Deceit, TELLING the TRUTH Is a Revolutionary Act. – George Orwell  

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