Peter Shumlin on the national news

In case you missed it Sunday, NPR ran a story about the national battle over bribes payments by drug companies, and the legislation proposed to control them. As part of the story they interviewed Peter Shumlin , President Pro Tem of the Vermont Senate and potential gubernatorial candidate, about the legislation just passed by the Vermont Legislature.

 The Vermont Legislature recently passed the strictest bill to date, and it is expected to become law next month. Vermont state Sen. Peter Shumlin, who sponsored the bill, says the state is trying to take a leadership role in what he calls a national problem.

 Longtime observers of the Vermont scene are well aware of Shumlin's ability to score headlines around here. It's great to see him, and Vermont, getting national coverage for being out ahead of the rest of the country. We covered this bill back at the beginning of the session, so it's good to see that they got this one passed.

One thought on “Peter Shumlin on the national news

  1. Way to reign in an industry that is supposed to be providing a service, but instead cons Americans into buying uber expensive drugs that they might not even need.  It’s about time we brought honesty and transparency back to the process.

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