Of things that are not birds

I do a lot of writing about birds, and a lot (and I mean a lot) of bird photography.  

Today, I’m taking a different approach, and looking at photographs of things that are not birds.

The first set of photos are all of turtles.  Primarily, they are of snapping turtles, because I came across seven different snapping turtles on my walk earlier this week, and one more this morning.  I’d never seen anything like it before.


  1. All these photos are clickable.  They lead to larger images with details about the shot, ISO, lens size, etc.;

  2. I still do lots of bird photograph, but wanted to try something different;

  3. I have several books based on my photography;

  4. If you’re interested in getting weekly alerts of the new photos on my site, please subscribe to my mailing list


Snapping Turtles, Rockingham, VT, June 2009

Take a look at that last photo.  This is what most of them were doing: either sitting in or moving out of dirt holes.  I didn’t know this at the time, but what they were doing was burying their eggs.  In a few months, a bunch of baby snapping turtles should be climbing out of those holes and heading for the water.  I’ve done a little research and I know when to start looking.  If I’m lucky, I’ll get photos of those as well.

I’ve got a couple more photos from Surry, NH.  At the time, I thought this was a snapping turtle, too, but looking at the others, I’m convinced this is something else.  Anyone able to help me?

Surry, NH, May 2009

Mystery #1

Everything else that follows are bugs of some sort (spiders, dragon or damselflies, moths, butterflies or other miscellaneous insects, grouped by region.  I do not know what these are.  I do not know bugs the way I know birds.  So this is also a plea for help.  If you can help me ID any of the creatures below, it would be great:


Scarborough, ME, August 2008

Mystery #2

Mystery #3

Kennebunk, ME, May of 2008

Mystery #4

Mystery #5


Charlestown, NH, May – June 2009

Mystery #6

Mystery #7

Mystery #8

Keene, NH, August 2008

Mystery #9

Keene, NH, May 2009

Mystery #10

Stoddard, NH, May 2009

Mystery #11

Mystery #12

Mystery #13

Mystery #14


Groton, VT, July 2008

Mystery #15

Mystery #16

Rockingham, VT, May – June 2009

Mystery #17

Mystery #18

Mystery #19

Mystery #20

Rutland, VT, May 2009

Mystery #21

Southeastern VT, July – September 2008

Mystery #22

Mystery #23

Mystery #24

Southeastern VT, May 2009

Mystery #25

Mystery #26

Southeastern VT, October 2008

Mystery #27

Westminster, VT, August 2008

Mystery #28

One thought on “Of things that are not birds

  1. I’m thinking that this turtle is a wood turtle.  I make this judgement based on the clear growth rings on its scutes and the flash of orange you can just barely see.  Here is a summary of them for you to use to confirm/deny:  http://community.middlebury.ed

    I’ve heard that a wood turtle was used as the inspiration for the face of ET — I don’t know if it is true, but looking closely at the face of a wood turtle certainly makes it plausible.

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