
Senator James Inhofe — the guy who calls global warming “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people” — reacting to Obama’s Cairo speech: (from the Daily Oklahoman)

Sen. Jim Inhofe said today that President Barack Obama’s speech in Cairo was “un-American” because he referred to the war in Iraq as “a war of choice” and didn’t criticize Iran for developing a nuclear program.

Inhofe, R-Tulsa, also criticized the president for suggesting that torture was conducted at the military prison in Guantanamo, saying, “There has never been a documented case of torture at Guantanamo.”

“I just don’t know whose side he’s on,” Inhofe said of the president.

Senator Inhofe: how dare you undercut our President in a time of war? How dare you publicly expose our political differences in a way sure to embolden our enemies?

Oh, wait, I forgot… you’re a Republican, and those arguments only hold when a Republican is President.