12 thoughts on “To New Hampshire: welcome to the 21st century

  1. I can’t believe my home state passed this. My God has it come a long way.


  2. Congratulations New Hampshire!

    May religious freedom – even for those who aren’t members of a limited number of Christian sects – long endure! 😉

  3. All we need is RI and all of New England will be pro equality! It will be interesting to see how the national debate on this issue canges when all of New England and the North Eastern part of our country is pro equality. I think other parts of the country will realise that they are behind and need to catch up. Especially CA, OR and WA! Whats going on with the libs on the west coast? Wake up and join 21 centry America!

  4. Somehow I suspect not. Free Staters are Libertarians, who are most likely to oppose government involvement in marriage for everyone, and not seek to extend government regulation of marriage to an additional population.

    Not to mention the gun-rights / low taxes-small government / privatization of education platform and its identification of allied organizations (Republican Liberty Caucus of NH, Coalition of NH Taxpayers, Gun Owners of NH, among others) would be likely to attract folks who feel gays should be expelled, branded, or at the very least damned to hell — the (praise) God – (give me my) Guns – (so I can kill the) Gays group (with apologies to Kestrel, who’s a gun rights guy but doesn’t fit the rest of the image).

    On the other hand, they also ally with the Democratic Freedom Caucus of NH (which is a Yahoo group) and the New Hampshire Coalition for Common Sense Marijuana Policy.

    Certainly, there are exceptions, but I wouldn’t ascribe the success here to anyone but Democrats, specifically Rep. Jim Splaine and NH Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley.


    Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible; but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary. ~ Reinhold Niebuhr

  5. Just a question. Are you in favor of gay marriage? I don’t think you have ever made your position clear, although I could have missed it if you did.

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