VT Renewable Energy Bill is Now Law

Apparently, Douglas is kind of a coward when the legislature actually fights back.  Per today’s Rutland Herald, via Daniel Barlow, he…

…allowed a major renewable energy bill to become law Wednesday without his signature after raising concerns earlier this year that it would lead to increased electrical costs for Vermonters.

Douglas… said… while he supports renewable energy and efficiency projects, he believes it will lead to residents and businesses paying too much for green and clean energy.

Still, he said he does not believe “the process will be well served by my veto…”

Full statement from Douglas is here (pdf file).

Maybe someone should have thought of standing in serious opposition to him sooner but I’m glad it finally seems to be happening.


And speaking of opposition, apparently (reported in Today’s Reformer, by Dave Gram for the AP), the opposition is kind of whiny:

Conspicuously absent from Wednesday’s session were Douglas’ top budget officers, Administration Secretary Neale Lunderville and Finance and Management Commissioner Jim Reardon. Reardon had a statement read into the record saying he feared the hearing was “designed to disparage the governor’s alternative budget approach.”
