A little bully pulpit ..Updated below

“The choices, I think, have been poor,” Douglas told the clearly like-minded gathering.

Business people did not have to encourage Governor Douglas to use the bully pulpit to make his case for vetoing the Vermont state budget, but they did it anyway.

Vermont Business magazine has the run down on part of the Gov.’s campaign to build support for his veto,but the accompanying poll shows a closer state than might be expected . At least as far as an online readers poll on a business friendly site can measure.

The Poll

If Douglas vetoes the state budget, it would be the first time in VT a governor has done so. If he does should the legislature

Override the veto to keep the budget as is ——–52%

Sustain the veto and work with Douglas to rewrite it ——–48%

Total votes: 44


Douglas loses ,Override wins in business magazine poll ! Meaning of win open to interpretation.………

If Douglas vetoes the state budget, it would be the first time in VT a governor has done so. If he does should the legislature

Override the veto to keep the budget as is………60%

Sustain the veto and work with Douglas to rewrite it…..40%

Total votes: 75

One thought on “A little bully pulpit ..Updated below

  1. reported the Governor’s comments as if they were factual (sadly, nothing new there)

    I left a message on the mag’s web site complaining about the unqualified nature of the reporting (specifically, the Gov’s continuing use of the phrase “VT is the highest taxed state in the country”)

    I encourage GMD readers to check the article and post comments on the VT Biz site re. any and all such unprofessional (lazy / complicit) practices

    such actions may or may not change the behavior of reporters and editors but we have to keep trying; at the very least, they need to know that we find it unacceptable

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