Who is working on the Richmond Bridge?

Most of you will remember the stir over the Richmond Bridge, Vermont’s first economic stimulus project.  T. Buck Construction, a Maine-based contractor, won the job on a bid that was much lower than the two other proposals submitted by Vermont companies.  


Mainstream media and the blogosphere were abuzz over whether awarding the project to an out-of-state contractor under no obligation to employ predominately Vermonters sent the wrong message when our unemployment rate stands at 7.2 percent.  

Word from folks who have visited the job site is Maine license plates still outnumber those from Vermont.  

Have any GMD’ers been by to check the situation out?

Most importantly, do the journalists who originally reported this story plan to follow-up?  

6 thoughts on “Who is working on the Richmond Bridge?

  1. In March after word that T.Buck Const. of Maine had gotten the Richmond Bridge contract AOT Sec. David Dill said to the Burlington Free Press the project would result in 10 – 20 local jobs for the project’s four-month duration. If there are 10-20 Vermont workers at the site Gov.Douglas has really missed a good photo op .


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