Threepenny Taproom brings local beers, welcoming atmosphere, to Montpelier

Today's Burlington Free Press covers a new watering hole in Montpelier.

Montpelier's new Three Penny Taproom is bringing local brews of all kinds to the capital city. One of the three owners, Wes Hamilton, shared the inspiration behind the fledgling business.

• WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO START THIS BUSINESS? We love beer! Aside from that, a lot of people only know beer as one style, one flavor. A lot of folks may be familiar with the more popular or mass-marketed microbrews, but there are so many really exciting, creative, unique things happening with beer right now. We wanted to bring that to people.

 In case the name sounds familiar, Wes is a regular here at GMD, as well as running his own blog, Integral Psychosis.


 Follow the Free Press link to read what Wes has to say about his new venture.Then when you're done, stop by the Threepenny Taproom on Main St. in Montpelier. Tell them GMD sent you.

14 thoughts on “Threepenny Taproom brings local beers, welcoming atmosphere, to Montpelier

  1. My husband has been in and gave your place high marks. He’ll have to bring me in sometime to try out that Dogfish Head. I love, love, love the Red & White and haven’t been disappointed with anything I’ve ever had from that brewery.

    Why no stouts?

  2. Nice of you to post this.  Of course, they edited out the parts where I trash talk bosses and question capitalism, but a good little article nonetheless.

  3. Brian Dubie Miller High Life (bottle)

    Deb Markowitz Brooklyn Local 1

    Doug Racine Dogfish Head Palo Santo

    Jim Douglas Stone Imperial Russian Stout 

    Peter Diamondstone Delerium Tremens

    Peter Shumlin Southern Tier Iniquity

    Phillip Baruth Flying Dog Gonzo Imperial Porter

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