Sunday at UVM with Jim and Howard

( – promoted by odum)

We did get sunburned…

but at least it didn’t Ben Stein.

“It was an unusually trying year,” Fogel said in an interview after the commencement ceremony. “There were some ups and downs and those downs entailed some sacrifice and pain that will long be with us; but it was also a year of great achievement.”

No doubt.

Yesterday I watched my son graduate from UVM .We sat in plastic chairs on the soggy grass.

It was a surprisingly chilly spring day yet, much to our surprise, we got quite sunburned.

Governor Douglas naturally spoke. “The population grows old…” droned Jim and with his sales pitch, “…  we need young people”. After congratulating the students and to some extent himself (noting some of his cleverly named state plans and initiatives, some not yet initiated) he pretty much begged the new grads to stay in Vermont .For some audiences he runs the state down, for other crowds he attempts to build it up.

Next up was Howard Dean. He spoke; well, he spoke like Howard Dean. His message quite clearly and not unexpectedly was for the graduates to stay active in politics. (Politics broadly defined as everything from office holding to library committees and zoning boards.) Community. Dean noted the role young voters played in the Obama election and very forcefully said “Don’t blow it, stay involved! ” “Find the common areas of agreement and build on them”, he said.

Best of all (beside the weather, allowing for an outdoor ceremony) was the total lack of Ben Stein.

It was with great dread, a month or two back, that we all thought we would have to listen to Stein’s unique wisdom when he spoke at commencement.Luckily it evolved into a fine day after all, good luck to the graduates.…

4 thoughts on “Sunday at UVM with Jim and Howard

  1. I would hate to be a college graduate these days.  It would be an awful prospect to graduate to an economic depression.  

  2. Ok, I haven’t been up there much, so do not know, though yough is generally optimistic:)

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