Senator Baruth

Terri Hallenbeck outed him as a candidate, so there’s one less secret I have to sit on (5 zillion to go)…

VDB’s Philip Baroonth Baruth is diving into the 2010 candidate circus, and has filed to run for Chittenden State Senate. Current Senators from the County are Democrats Racine (who is running for Governor, opening up a slot), Lyons, Flanagan, Miller and Ashe (a Dem/Prog), along with Republican Diane Snelling.

An honest-to-goodness netroots candidate! How exciting. Civilization as we know it is almost certainly all downhill from here. We look forward to live blogging from the Senate chambers.

It’s safe to consider this my first endorsement of 2010.

9 thoughts on “Senator Baruth

  1. When he live-blogs, will he accept comments???

    You guys are compromise-monkeys for giving your endorsements so easily!

    Withholding my nomination for now in case a better Chittenden County netroots blogger candidate emerges.

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