Here comes another one (we hope) – NY Assembly passes same-sex marriage bill

Seems like almost like it's becoming a weekly occurrence, eh? Nutter heads will continue to explode… From the UPI wire:

The New York State Assembly has approved a measure to allow same-sex marriages, shifting the fight over the bill to the state Senate, analysts said.

By a vote of 89-52, the Assembly moved late Tuesday to approve the same-sex marriage initiative, with several legislators who had rejected a similar measure in 2007 changing their votes this time, The New York Times reported.

It goes to the Senate next, where passage is less certain.  If it does indeed pass, the governor is expected to sign it.


7 thoughts on “Here comes another one (we hope) – NY Assembly passes same-sex marriage bill

  1. Just one more issue where one either agrees with you, or is dismissed as a [fill in the insult]?  As the civility of public dialogue continues to swirl down the drain in Vermont ….

  2. I’m fairly certain that it was Governor Patterson himself who publicly stated that he wanted a same-sex marriage bill on his desk to sign.  The only jeopardy this bill is in is getting past the NY Senate.

  3. JoeMyGod was liveblogging the debate in the assembly. If you go there, you’ll see these two updates (h/t to Lisa Lowenstein):

    UPDATE IV: Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-BK) is a vile creature. He just diminished anti-gay discrimination, saying that the Holocaust was REAL discrimination. Hikind represents Boro Park, one [of] the largest Orthodox Jewish communities in the world outside of Israel.

    UPDATE V: Assemblyman Benjamin (who is black) seems to object to comparing gay rights to civil rights. Benjamin: “Mr. O’Donnell, was it homosexuals or Africans who were brought to this country in slave ships?” O’Donnell: “I’m sure BOTH as I’m sure some of those Africans were homosexual.” Benjamin: “Touche’.” O’Donnell’s response prompted the chair to order the gallery to stop laughing.

    O’Donnell is Rosie’s brother Daniel, a member of the Assembly. As for Assemblyman Hikind, he’s erasing the memory of the tens of thousands of homosexuals who were gassed, shot, or worked to death during the Nazi Holocaust. Where do you think the pink triangle came from? Gay men and drag queens were forced to wear it under Nazi rule. And do you truly think that none of those Jewish folks were homosexuals?

    And O’Donnell’s response to Mr. Benjamin says all that needs to be said on that score.

    To quote Lisa Lowenstein; “If injustice and inequality are the absence of justice and equality, can there be degrees of either?”


    The freedom to MARRY has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men [and women]. ~ SCOTUS, Loving v. Virginia (1967)

  4. Looks like the Northeast is about to form a single block in favor of equal rights. Nice!

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