“Dean and Me” Movie at DemocracyFest

We recently confirmed that filmmaker Heath Eiden will be presenting a screening of his new movie “Dean and Me” at DemocracyFest; July17-19 in Burlington, VT! http://www.DemocracyFest.net

The film is about Howard Dean’s presidential campaign and there is a long list of grassroots people (many from Vermont) featured in the movie…too long to list here, but you can see the list on the film’s website: http://thegrassrootsmovie.com/…

Of coarse, we hope to see you all at DemocracyFest, but if you can’t make it to the event, we hope you will check out the movie when it is released to the public. Kudos to Heath for putting so much time and energy into documenting Dean’s historic grassroots campaign!