Vermont Yankee false alarm

The Red Dwarf TV show featured the ships main computer controller Holly repeating over and over in an emotionless voice “Emergency,we’re having an emergency ,we’re having an emergency ! It’s still going on ,emergency!”

The constant news of Vermont Yankee problems in the face of the NRC’s high marks given to the plant have that unanswered alarm quality.No end appears in sight,it’s still going on .Think also of last week’s proposal by Governor Douglas to abolish state nuclear safety planners jobs. Entergy’s aging power plant with “human performance”  issues and equipment problems (two radioactive leaks in six months was it ?) is an accident in waiting. A false reading or alarm could lead to an inappropriate or unnecessary response. Per usual, no problem at all according the NRC official .

“This does not rise to the level of safety,” said NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan, but said the “false alarm” triggered an emergency response closing valves to contain the increased levels of radiation.

“They got a signal that there was a spike in radiation, and it shut the valves. What’s important is they had all these valves close,”

In actuality, Sheehan said, there was no increase in radiation.

The radiation alarm problem was not mentioned last week when the NRC officials were in the state to go over Vermont Yankee’s annual assessment, which gave the Vernon reactor high marks.

Sheehan said he was not sure the problem was not discussed.…