Bad apples and worse

My own feeling about the Bush White House is that the fish rotted from the head down,but what about those just following orders ?

A newly unclassified Senate report on the US government’s treatment of terrorism suspects vindicates enlisted soldiers prosecuted for the abuse of inmates Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq , a lawyer for one of the soldiers and a US senator said today.

Texas-based lawyer Guy Womack, who defended specialist Charles Graner, said he plans to seek a presidential pardon for his client. Graner was in 2005 sentenced to 10 years in a military prison on charges of conspiracy, dereliction of duty, maltreatment of detainees and other counts.…

2 thoughts on “Bad apples and worse

  1. I was waiting for a Nuremburg defense, and here it is. Lowlifes. Not everyone who serves is a hero, ya know. There are cowards, creeps, loansharks and perverts in uniform just like out of one.

  2. Cheney’s trip to the dark-side left in its wake.

    All this got sweep pretty far under the rug in a hurry.What short memory spans.

    U.S. Soldier Who Killed Herself–After Refusing to Take Part in Torture

    With each new revelation on U.S. torture in Iraq, Afghanistan and Gitmo, I am reminded of the chilling story of Alyssa Peterson.


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