We are a torture nation!


You want to stand in the way of holding people responsible for subjecting tightly controlled people to torture?


We don’t need our version of the good Nazi running loose in the CIA. The fact some people were willing to justify and authorize torture is in itself great reason for trial, but those without the decency or morality to realize torture is wrong … they need to be in the docks too.

These torturers and torture enablers are sick psychopaths who don’t care about you, you, me or nation … they literally get their thrills from exercising extraordinary control over others.

And what about those who’ve been getting some voyeuristic thrill over just knowing the above mentioned scumbags are drowning someone once much less 180 times in a month?

Sick psychopaths … without a shred of morality or decency.

And these are the kind of people Obama is going to bat for … our good Nazis.


2 thoughts on “We are a torture nation!

  1. The abuse ofdetainees in U.S. custody cannot simply be attributed to the actions of “a few bad apples” acting on their own. The fact is that senior officials in the United States government solicited information on how to use aggressive techniques, redefined the law to create the appearance oftheir legality, and authorized their use against detainees.

    . . .

    The techniques used in SERE school, based, in part, on Chinese Communist techniques used during the Korean war to elicit false confessions, include stripping students oftheir clothing, placing them in stress positions, putting hoods over their heads, disrupting their sleep, treating them like animals, subjecting them to loud music and flashing lights, and exposing them to extreme temperatures.

    (INQUIRY INTO THE TREATMENT OF DETAINEES IN U.S. CUSTODY, Ccommittee on Armed Services, United States Senate)

    But not to worry … in true wimpy form the Senate committee keeps referring to “aggressive interrogation” instead of calling it what it was and is … torture.

  2. The Bush administration put relentless pressure on interrogators to use harsh methods on detainees in part to find evidence of cooperation between al Qaida and the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s regime, according to a former senior U.S. intelligence official and a former Army psychiatrist.

    . . .

    A former U.S. Army psychiatrist, Maj. Charles Burney, told Army investigators in 2006 that interrogators at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detention facility were under “pressure” to produce evidence of ties between al Qaida and Iraq.

    (Report: Abusive tactics were used to find Iraq-al Qaida link, McClatchy, 04/21/09)

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