Second Vermont Republic merges with the Society for Creative Anachronism

Facing declining membership and interest, the Second Vermont Republic has opted to join with the more established institution in Vermont, the Society for Creative Anachronism.

Insiders at both groups defend the decision, acknowledging that while SVR's goal of a secessionist Vermont, and the SCA's goal of re-enacting medieval settings and battles with homemade armor, weapons and costumes may seem, at first glance, to be incompatible – they actually speak to a similar psychological desire among their respective adherents.

The new combined leadership unveiled its vision for an independent, medieval-esque Vermont modeled on Renaissance Faires and jousting tournaments at a festive news conference (pictured, right), complete with lutes, mead, and the prominently displayed flag of the independent Republic of Vermont.

"I'truth, we say unto thee," a spokesperson announced to the assembled media. "By my troth, we shalt bend knee to the empire no further! Let the hard steel of the mace be our answer to those that would defy us! To the evil lords in Washington D.C., we say only; 'Have at thee, miscreants!'"

SVR/SCA spokesmen then concluded the press conference with a call to the "wenches" to bring flagons of ale to the dozen in attendence.