Marriage Equality Passes House Judiciary

Vermont Freedom to Marry has announced that the Marriage Equality Bill has passed the House Judiciary Committee by a vote of 8 to 2.

The two against were Peg Flory, R-Pittsford, and Andrew Donaghy, R-Poultney.

More interesting, though, is who missed the meeting: Republican Minority Leader Patty Komline, who serves on the committee and has publicly said she would vote for the bill.

Flory, a past chair of the committee, is the ranking member. Perhaps Komline took a walk so as not to have a conflict there. Then again, who knows whether she will vote as she publicly said she would.

If you have any time to hang out at the State House, Thursday is the day to do it, and the budget bill may come up first.

2 thoughts on “Marriage Equality Passes House Judiciary

  1. I hear from reliable sources that Rep. Patti Komline, as the minority leader, rarely has much time to put in on committee work and that nothing sinister should be read into her absence on this vote.

    Uh, o-o-k-a-a-ay. I guess we’ll see.


    The freedom to MARRY has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men [and women]. ~ SCOTUS, Loving v. Virginia (1967)

  2. from some place called “America Forever.”  They give their telephone number as (801) 508-5380.  The last time I received one, I phoned the number and left a message that I found it offensive and wanted to be removed from their caller list.  Obviously that did no good. I would encourage everyone who wants to stop this group to phone the number and tell them to stop sending this garbage.  Perhaps if their answering system fills up with complaints, they’ll get the message that Vermont isn’t interested in their hate messages.  They also give a website: and a physical addres of 147 W. Election Rd. Suit 200, Draper, Utah 84020.  This is undoubtedly the same bunch that pushed Prop 8. Let’s bury them in paper and phone calls!

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