Open Threaditude

  • The House Appropriations Committee passed the Speaker’s $120 million jobs and transportation infrastructure package, and it may hit the floor today.
  • Though its unscientific and easy to overstate, the Doyle poll results are in, and the hubbub is not merely that the “pros” beat out the “cons” on same-sex marriage in the 13,000 person survey, but that, for the first time, Jim Douglas’s negatives are greater than his positives (which seem stalled at the republican base of around  41%). That’s gotta hurt.
  • For those wondering exactly what Jon Stewart’s reportedly “disparaging, off-color remark about the governor” delivered during his recent stand-up appearence at UVM was, the line from Stewart (after taking a few moments to generally wax complimentary about Vermont), according to those present, was “…why is your Governor such a shithead?”
  • The blog that dare not speak its name. Former Administration Secretary Michael Smith, in an op-ed this weekend, decried a headline he’d read on “a blog.” And yes, that was us (we made him “sad”). I seem to either read (in the papers) or hear (on Vermont This Week) with some regularity, references to what “the blogs” or “the blogosphere” is talking about in Vermont, when what they mean specifically is GMD. I guess we’re still a little too scary to utter. Sorta like saying “Betelgeuse” three times. After all, we seem to remain the only more-or-less daily-posting blog in the state (I’m counting Charity as closer to weekly) that is never afforded a seat on the revered newsprogram (now that Jon Margolis is on the rotation, along with VDB’s Baruth and VT Tiger’s Norman). Of course, we at GMD are notorious for trashing hotel rooms and stealing magazines from TV studio lobbies…
  • Picture of the day:

13 thoughts on “Open Threaditude

  1. He looks like an alien whose mother dressed him and beamed him down to the pavement.  What a tool!

  2. That pic needs a caption… “Born to Be Mild” .I thought April Fools was tomorrow.

    Smith’s op-ed made me sad, as it was truly pathetic how he seemingly couldn’t imagine how a world without religion would be hopeless and meaningless. So much for deep thinking.

  3. You should put a warning on this diary NOT to take a big sip of coffee before scrolling down to that picture!

  4. I read that BFP article on Sunday about Jon Stewart. Wow that was possibly one of the worse articles every written. By the end I was confused and could not finish the article.  

  5. I think Douglas’s negatives are tied to the fact that the Legislature has stopped worrying about pleasing the Gov and is following it’s own initiatives, and it’s finally illustrating that he is the one who’s out of step with Vermont.

    …and what’s with those pants?

  6. Dear Mr Doesless,

    It seems as though you have lost the respect of the majority of Vermonters. Maybe its because you are going to veto a bill the majority of Vermonters support for political reasons. Maybe it’s because you have seen your job approval ratings hit record lows. Maybe it’s because there are a few big name democrats who are going to run in the next election against you at a time when you will have a much harder time winning. Not to mention at a time when there is a popular democratic president who will endorse your opponent and might even campaign against you. Why don’t you retract your silly idea to veto the gay marriage bill and do what you do best, politely nothing. Were used to you doing nothing in the most polite mannor, that’s why you have survived here for so long.

    Just an idea.  

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