Hey …. Douglas … can we please …

just this once, have a taxpayer funded administration run website that is not a tax payer re-election gimmick for you???

Please … just this once? Oh, sorry … I’m referring to

Governor Douglas today announced a bold new economic plan to build SmartVermont

Quoted from our taxpayer funded state web site that’s supposed to bring transparency to the Obama led economic recovery attempt.

I mean really … we have to pay for your “the governor is all wonderful all the time” spokesbots and we have to pay for your governor’s web site … can we please not have to pay for your re-election campaign just this once?

No? Thought so.

3 thoughts on “Hey …. Douglas … can we please …

  1. at the Vermont Office of Economic Stimulus and Recovery.

    I was informed the office would be more sensitive to such issues as I raised above.

  2. also, what am I missing here?

    a “bold” new plan?!

    giving public funds to VEDA to make loans is a “bold” new plan?

    actually, it’s no different than his earlier “bold” plans in 2003 and 2006; how did they work out Jim?

    and when will anyone speak the truth about VEDA? if the banks would do their job and – you know, actually make loans – we wouldn’t need VEDA; as it is, it’s become a sort of state bank; that’s right, Jim Douglas likes socialized lending institutions

    BTW – if banks won’t make enough money available, why should we give them a tax break? at present they don’t pay state corp. income taxes; just a fee based on deposits; JFO estimates that if they paid the corp. tax we would have an additional $5 million per year

    I guess that’s not bold enough for Jim

  3. The Vermont Office of Economic Stimulus and Recovery sure isn’t the place where any of these plans are coming from .

    Any mention of that office in these announcements is noticeable only by it’s absence .

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