The Vermont Economic Stimulus Recovery website which claims to be the primary place to find information about Federal recovery funds has a blank news event calendar for the day.
A recent posting from March 24th: Welcome and Thank You for bearing with us as we strive to get our website up to speed with the most up to date, helpful information available.
The press release can be found here:
Governor Douglas at Microstrain in Williston Wednesday announced what he is calling a bold new economic plan. The proposals will invest $17.1 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF) to leverage nearly $160 million in direct support to new and exciting companies looking to grow and expand in the Green Mountain State as well as much needed support for existing Vermont employers. Initiatives will be largely administered by the Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA) which leverages private capital to maximize opportunities and investment in our struggling economy.
“..Truly exciting and groundbreaking” Douglas claims the proposal will “position our state to charge out of this recession” However the Vermont Recovery transparency site has nothing available about it. Was this announcement just a rushed effort by the Gov. to change the topic or is the Vermont Economic Recovery Office and its tracking website at the edge of the Governor’s loop?…